Monday, October 19, 2009


First off, this is like my 5th time doing something like this. It has never been successful in all my life of attempted blogging. I've done Freewebs, Hotmail, Twitter and Picso. I think I'm not destined to blog about anything but hey, what the hell right? If I fail, I'll leave a mark on the blogspot database. That's the way I see it.
I have no idea how to use this. This looks super complicated, not as bad as Picso though.
Whaooo.. there's an auto save to this thing? I just saw it, thats cool.
I just realized how girly my profile for this thing didnt look this femine when I was selecting the layout and stuff. My friend said I have a creative side and should embrace it. I don't see anthing creative about this. I agreed to this anyways, to give my blogging skills yet another chance.
I don't even know what to talk about. Its not like my life is interesting or anything.
I think I will write stories. Another friend said I was good at that. Mostly, I will write random things.
Yeah, sounds like a good idea to me. I'll write things that I will look back and remember. Please stay tuned for my next blog, whenever that may be. Be patient. Below is my video I made. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. If you blog then I'll read. :D

    If you find blogspot hard to use then may I recommend, it's pretty cool too.

    This comment thing is weird, let's hope this thing shows my name as Vestrel. (I know you btw, dun worry. xD I just hate putting my real name on the internet.)
