Sunday, January 3, 2010

for the better times

i know i got you in this. we started this together you and i. you had no idea until i introduced it to you but i smartened up and you didnt. you kept going while i stopped. now, you have almost everything you want. girls, drugs, whatever. but at what cost? one of our childhood friend from grade 3 doesnt care about you anymore. the 3 of us use to be so tight bro. me and you were still real tight and we did some crazy things even after i went to mountain to get away from all that. remember 'diddy day' ? that was pretty fun right? all those times we lied just to go to bham, up that 'wookie trail', and jacking chris up. those were some really fun times. i know your care free life is very easy but is it worth losing a childhood for? come on man, think about it for one sec. if its money that is your problem, come to me man. if anytime you're down to chill, call me up. dont you realize now lucky you're still alive after all that? im done with that now bro. im leaving those dark memories but man, you're a real good friend. you help get me through some tough times bro, and i could talk to you about lots of stuff and you had some good advice to offer me. its a pity you havent smarten up yet and i hope when you do, its not too late. for that, i will remember us for the better times. i'll remember how great our friendship has gotten since grade 3. i'll remember all the good things and non of the bad. i miss you man, the old you.

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